
To us, humanity’s most significant challenge, in the words of Buckminster-Fuller is:

make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation
without ecological damage or disadvantage to anyone.

Such is our task: to create a world that works for all people. Not a world where people continue to suffer from poverty or related diseases. It cannot be a world where women, 50% of the world’s population, are disadvantaged. It is not a world where people are faced with prejudices, whether racial, religious, or cultural. Nor can it be a world where we destroy our natural habitat and don’t make it work for future generations.

To make the world work for 100% of humanity, we need people to make it happen. Not just a handful, but masses of people. Indeed, we believe all human beings on this planet have the right and the responsibility to play their role in this fantastic enterprise.
Unfortunately, many of us are not able to direct their energies fully towards this overarching and urgent task. We spend most of our lives at work in organisations that are sometimes soulless and focussed on limited goals. We have created structures at work that make us passive spectators instead of active participants in building our common future. Millions of us remain unemployed or are excluded from engaging in productive and meaningful work.
As a result, we only use a tiny fraction of the immense potential and energy that we have at our disposal to create a better world together. This is what we see as one of the greatest injustices in the world: the tremendous waste of human potential, both individually as collectively.

Soul.com's purpose is to inspire, train and accompany millions of people so that they contribute to a world that works for one hundred percent (100%) of humanity. We do not see human beings as homo economicus, driven only by material gain. We recognize and work from the power of the human spirit to love, learn, cooperate and serve. Our approach is one of capacity building that promotes unity and cooperation among people.


There is one crucial condition that determines our success and being able to serve our purpose. This is when decisions are made in absolute unity, when everyone wholeheartedly agrees and supports the next steps forward when we sincerely say and confidently do: YES! We become like a magnet attracting confirmations and abundance. Our volition is, therefore, to be wholeheartedly united in our decisions, both in words and in deeds.


We search and cling to truth
We want to go to the heart of a problem, understand its roots and not settle for obvious answers. Our desire to search for truth expresses itself in being open and honest in our conversations. We create a safe place where we can challenge our assumptions and discover new horizons. It is our duty to share constructively and not to remain silent.
We act with a humble posture of learning
We learn by doing. We make mistakes, but reflect on our actions and decide in unity on our next steps. Working with a learning attitude means developing humility. It means not placing ourselves above others. It means seeing others as equals, respecting each other's perspective and striving for shared understanding.
We are friends
As friends, we help each other to work for good. It is our friendship that connects us and shapes our community. We care about each other and are happy when others develop and advance. We see in each other the beautiful qualities and abilities while not focusing on everyone's shortcomings or faults.  As friends, you can be yourself.
We are attracted to beauty
We recognize the attraction to beauty and strive for excellence in our work in order to make the result as beautiful as possible. Beauty brings out the best in us. It is about being able to see the beauty in people and things and to name it. Being able to see potential, rather than what is.
We act with certitude
When we decide something, we execute it with full conviction and immediately to the best of our ability. We are clear and focused on what needs to be done and act with determination.
We are courageous
We show courage in our actions and stand confidently for what we believe, even when swimming against the current. We strive to do what is right, even when it goes against short-term needs.