Soul Driven Leadership

course: transform your organisation into a community

Soul Driven Leadership program is a series of practical courses that helps organisations to become purposeful and for people to create meaningful workplaces. It is one thing to formulate a company’s purpose and values, it is another thing to actually live it. Soul Driven Leadership builds capacity in people within the organisation to change the culture into a collaborative and innovate environment and to imbue the organisation with a strong sense of purpose to serve humanity.

the key to lasting change:
an environment of trust

After more than 20 years of experience, we learned that lasting change happens when people trust each other. In companies where trust forms the basis, we see:

Intrinsically motivated co-workers.
Knowledge being shared freely.
Personal initiative to make a difference.
Talented people at work.

The Soul Driven Leadership course helps you develop the capacities to create an environment of trust and learning. Building trust starts with one first step: developing a new mindset. To help yourself, your co-workers, and your organisation to see with new eyes. A mindset that seeks new possibilities. A mindset that nurtures a desire to contribute.

Is this leadership course for me?

Soul Driven Leadership is definitely for you, if:

  • you wish to affect your organisation for the better.
  • you are open to reflect on your actions.
  • you are ready to integrate new leadership qualities in real life situations at work.

change from within

Clearly, transforming an organisation into a community cannot be done by outsiders; it has to be done from within the company. Each co-worker is a potential community builder who can develop their capacities to set in motion a process of change and assist others to grow.

The Soul Driven Leadership programme has been created for this purpose: to raise up a growing number of capable people that can promote trust and unity between people. People who can learn with others how to make their organisation purposeful and their work meaningful.

The first two courses are about developing a new way of thinking that is needed to bring about a lasting change in organisations.


book 1

creating a new mind: meaningful conversations

In course one, participants learn how to create an environment of trust by engaging others in meaningful conversations. In such a reality, new ideas emerge, enthusiasm is created, and people are taking initiative.

book 2

creating a new mind: collective learning

In Book 2, participants will learn how to systematize their efforts and support each other in learning about change. Central in this course is the ability to learn as a group: to read the reality of the organisation together, to see potential, to take small steps, and reflect upon our actions. As a result, a powerful dynamic is created that prepares the organisation to the next stage in its development: creating a movement.

book 3 & 4

creating a movement

Book 3 and 4 will assist participants to learn how to involve a greater number of people in the process of change and accompany them to develop their capacities. Book 3 will explore concepts such as meaningful action and promoting mutual cooperation and reciprocity. Book 4 enhances our ability to build and strengthen unity between people and how to accompany people in the process of community building.

Dates, locations and prices

Soul Driven Leadership always starts with book 1. Currently, we offer courses in the Netherlands, Switzerland and El Salvador, while more locations are coming up. The courses in Europe are held in English, while the courses in El Salvador are given in Spanish.

Use the form below to enrol or request more information. For in-company courses, please contact us directly.